

If you have any complaints or concerns about the content of this website, or the links or useful telephone numbers provided on this website, or any other matters relating to Practical HR, please contact the Director of Practical HR, either by email or by writing to Practical HR at the address detailed below.

Our commitment to customers

Our aim is to provide the highest level of service and quality in all our services to clients.

We do however recognise that from time-to-time clients may not be satisfied with the service or support they receive and may wish to raise a complaint. We recognise complaints as a way to help improve our services, communication or other aspects of our business.

We, therefore, aim to ensure that:

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when you tell us you are not happy about the service we provide. It can be about anything and could include:

How to make a complaint?

If you wish to make a complaint you can first contact your consultant or account manager on their direct email, mobile or the office number 01702 216573 or you can write to them at the office address at: Launchpad (F5), Airport Business Park, Cherry Orchard Way, Rochford Essex SS4 1YH

Often talking over any areas of concern can resolve the problem quickly and we can find a positive way forward.

If you are still unhappy…

If you are still unhappy or feel unable to speak to your consultant or account manager (or the complaint is about them) you can contact the Managing Director, Paula Fisher:

Head Office Address:

Launchpad (F5), Airport Business Park, Cherry Orchard Way, Rochford  Essex SS4 1YH

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01702 216573
Mobile: 07812 037948

Complaints – Response times

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days (this may be via email or in writing or by telephone depending on the circumstances).

We will aim to resolve any complaint as soon as possible (and ideally within 10 working days). If there is a delay in responding, we will keep you informed of our progress.

How might complaints be resolved?

Complaints may be resolved through conversation and clear communication. At other times we may recommend some specific action or change how we deal with matters in the future.

Each situation will be considered depending on the circumstances, but our aim will be to find a resolution that is satisfactory to everyone.

Other Comments or Suggestions

We are also happy to receive any other comments or suggestions on our service from clients. Please contact us in any of the ways mentioned above.

Please submit any complaint below.